Looney Louie is featured on the New York Post website!
To read more click here!
Looney Louie is a professional children’s entertainer whose
specialties include magic, juggling, music, balloon sculpture and
general looniness. He has been performing professionally since 1990
and performs at approximately 40 to 50 engagements each month, including
shows at birthday parties, hospitals, corporate events and promotions,
street fairs, and even the occasional adult party.
He is particularly proud of the work he does for the EnCourage-Kids Foundation helping to brighten
the lives of seriously ill children throughout New York City by
regularly visiting area hospitals.
Yes, Looney Louie has been lucky enough to perform before audiences
and in places as diverse as New York City itself. If you haven’t
seen Looney Louie yourself, someone you know surely has!!!